
Keyword Density Checker

Keyword Density Checker tool will help you to identify all your content to extract and calculating percentage of times a keyword or phrase used in a webpage.

Monitor your content with Keyword Density Checker Tool

Keyword Density Checker is a tool to research some keyword and content on websites. Keyword Density is keyword on website to make sure search engines understand the content. To use Genelify Keyword Density Checker tool, you just enter URL in the form and wait for the analysis process to finish. This tool is very useful for monitoring or researching keyword on targeted website into search engine and others.

With this tool you can analyze words in content accurately which displays important information such as word density and number of words used. Our tool will ease your work in monitoring the content created.

Many factors determine the quality of content, one of which is not using keywords excessively, this will be considered spam by search engines which results in decreased performance in SEO. By monitoring the keywords on a web page will minimize spamming in the content. Therefore, we provide this tool to ease your work to build a website with good content.

You can also use this tool to measure targeted keywords that will be used on web pages. This will prevent excessive spamming of your content.


Keyword Density Checker


Why you should pay attention to keyword density in your content

A good content must be accompanied by keywords that match the purpose of the content itself, one of which is keyword density, the use of the keywords you are targeting must be appropriate, for example you are making articles that discuss cooking, of course you need to target keywords about cooking so that Search engine bots can understand the content of your content, although keyword density is not the main factor in determining the ranking of your website, it is important to use targeted keywords and focus on the purpose of your article content. In addition, important tags such as title, meta description, heading tag, img alt, link title you need to pay attention to in the use of keywords, because these elements are intended to adapt to your content so that search engine bots can easily understand your website.

What about the ideal keyword density? to be honest this is quite a difficult question, because it all depends on you, how you use targeted keywords, how long the content is, how to use similar keywords and synonyms, but one thing for sure is that you have to write content without using robots or AI. serving content by humans not by AI, it is the best advice to answer the ideal keyword density, write content naturally.


Do keyword research on your competitors

Our keyword density tool can extract all content from a website page, by entering a URL or competitor for checking, this tool can analyze the various elements you need such as the number of keywords used, how often the keywords are used, what keywords are used. targeted is related to the title, meta tag or heading, how your competitors use a keyword and others.