DevOps: How It Works, Methods and Principles

4 mins
03 Oct 2022

For those of you who have plunged into the programming or digital world, you must already know what DevOps is. What's interesting is that DevOps is not a piece of software, it looks like the name Software, but it's not.

DevOps is a concept in the technology industry, how to manage the planning of a project in a team that can run well, meaning that DevOps combines a practice and becomes a tool to improve the ability of a company so that the process of making applications or software becomes directed and clear, rather than using other methods. traditional.

DevOps is an acronym for Development and Operational, which integrates various teams such as the development team and the operational team. Under the auspices of DevOps, the two teams will work together in the development stage process and the end result will be to create a quality and appropriate product.


What is DevOps? How it works, Methods And Principles



1. How did DevOps begin

DevOps started with a consultant named Patrick Debois whose goal was to learn from the technological aspect. During the process, he felt that there was no match between the development team and the operational team while working on the project, so he finally met with Andrew Shafer to establish Agile System Administration.

2. Is DevOps really needed?

After you understand the meaning of DevOps itself and the beginning of DevOps standing, we see from the side of developing a product, when a client asks to make a product such as software, surely the client wants good and stable quality.

In dealing with this, the development team can work quickly and focus on the development process only and the operational team is more focused on change and development. DevOps is tasked with overcoming problems that occur by integrating those involved in the development process, be it developers, security engineers, system admins, etc.

And the development team only focuses on developing software according to the objectives to meet client desires by maintaining integrity and stability in the system.

Some of the benefits of having DevOps:

1. Move fast

With DevOps, it encourages a business to grow and allows processes to be faster and to innovate and adapt to existing changes.

2. Quick release of a product

This also has an impact on companies where with DevOps, they can release a product quickly and even exceed competitors.

3. Team collaboration is good

Under the auspices of DevOps, teams that play an important role from the development team and the operational team will become more solid, can take responsibility and combine the workflow of both with the goal of efficiency.


3. So what do DevOps usually do?

One of DevOps' responsibilities is to make small and fast product updates. In the tech industry, this is called a minor/patch update. This means that by updating small products, organizations or companies can innovate their products more quickly, so what are the steps that DevOps usually do?

1. Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration is a service that performs tests or builds that integrate with several source code repositories such as Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket and other similar services that detect errors.

If an error or error occurs, the development team will immediately repair the code, you can find free Continuous Integration services such as Circle CI, Travis CI, Gitlab CI etc.

2. Continuous Delivery

Continuous Delivery is a workflow in development that makes changes to the code such as adding features, fixing bugs, changing configurations etc. And when everyone has done a test & build on the Continuous integration earlier, the development team will update the running application.

The benefits of Continuous Delivery can enable teams to provide value in the business more quickly to clients, this can make them one step ahead of competitors apart from speeding up software release times, forming a quality product and increasing productivity and efficiency.

3. Continuous Deployment

Continuous Deployment is a process after Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery. Continuous Deployment can be done after all is well and can see some changes to the testing, deploy or production environment.

Some applications or tools commonly used in Continuous Deployment such as Jenkins, Gitlab CI/CD, Travis CI, Circle CI etc.

4. Configuration Management

Configuration Management is the process of maintaining a product that is usually done by system engineering and ensuring a product of consistency.

This process can simplify automation and standardization when configuring the server and minimize errors.

5. Infrastructure as a Code (IAAC)

Infrastructure as a Code or IAAC is a workflow in the system architecture in a product through programmable, standardized code.

IAAC does not build a server manually, but only in a few lines of code. The benefit of IAAC is that it allows developers to easily add new commands just through a line of code such as efficiently configuring data center servers, storage or networks.

6. Monitoring and logging

In a product, it is required to do monitoring to find out how the product is used by the client. The role of DevOps is very important in monitoring, it aims to identify if there is a problem.

And also the role of DevOps to analyze logging in applications. Where the team can better understand how the application is running well or not.



The role of DevOps is very influential in the technology work environment where this principle is made to overcome all problems in managing the flow in the application.

The DevOps profession has become one of the growing professions, because it can unify the process flow, the tools used to achieve client satisfaction required by the company.
