What Is a LESS To CSS Converter Tool?
LESS is an extension of CSS, but LESS adds some dynamic methods in its syntax such as adding variables, mixins, functions and others. This format can also be run through the browser or server side such as Node.js.
LESS stands for Leaner Style Sheets, and also commonly used as an option to link stylesheets with Javascript. As mentioned earlier, LESS is actually not much different from CSS, the only difference is the use of variables, mixins and others.
We provide Genelify LESS To CSS Converter & Compiler tool to convert your code, this format may not be as familiar as CSS, some front-end developers may not understand the syntax itself, therefore we provide this tool to convert the code syntax to CSS quickly and easily. Its use is also very easy you can do several methods such as copy paste or upload your file.
What Is LESS?
LESS is a superset of CSS which means all CSS coding is correct code but there are additional elements not in CSS, LESS adds the required dynamic properties to CSS, by introducing variables, operations and various functions even javascript.
This format will make CSS code more lively and hassle-free allowing you to write a modular Stylesheet syntax, some explanations regarding the features, include:
1. Variable
Variables in LESS are used to declare values that will later be used or often used in one place only, these values can later be used repeatedly in the stylesheet easily, therefore changing code using variables is much easier.
2. Nested
In addition to variables, LESS also supports nested or nested rules that allow you to define child elements specifically without the need to rewrite selector names. You simply write the element in the main element, therefore the element's descendants can be known easily and make the CSS code more concise.
3. Functions
The LESS developer also offers mathematical operations that allow you to perform calculations such as addition, subtraction, division, multiplication and others, this feature will create more complex relationships between the properties of elements so that massive changes can be made easily.
Our tool will help you to parse your LESS code into CSS, because all the features that have been defined in the code will be compiled and get the final result.